Sunday, May 18, 2008

uNfOrgetabLe BAD day On nArnIa =(

hmmm...what u'll think of when u read the above title?? it's not that the movie is not nice..let me tell the's kinda pretty sad case..yesterday sarah, sandra and me decided to go for a movie that's "Narnia-The Prince of Caspian"..we're rushing for the 10pm show but end up i fell down from staircase!! imagine my face was on the tar road which got lots of small stones and the road is bumpy and my body was lying on the staircase..OMG!! it's really painful and so damn paise (shy)..the results-a big patch of scars on my face right beside my left eye (my sis say that it looks like i've got a punch) , a little cuts somewhere below my wrist and around my waist area, and my legs, thigh and knee got blueblack and also around my tummy areas..overall, my whole body aches and pain :( i've to walk like orang cacat due to very painful..guess what!? sandra and sarah got a big shock over my incident and they faster ran down help me..thanks goodness got them around because the people around there never give me a help only a security guard ask whether i'm alright one malay family and some passby people just stand there looking at me..wth!!they think free show arr..then we end up watching midnight movie..the Narnia movie superb nice..but my body aches when watching the movie so i was not really enjoying there..hopefully i will recover soon and no scar left on my face or else i'll be a nun for the rest of my life..haha..god bless was really the most "suey" day for me :(

Friday, May 16, 2008

hAppy dAy

yeah!! finally i'm back to my sweettie home in malacca..i'm happy coz i've holidays till early of july..kinda long break for me to crave those yummy foods in malacca..haha..days in uni was like in prison and my routine was the same -wake up, eat, study, eat, go exam, sleep..wth! cant imagine i've gone through these life and everyday my brain was thinking of malacca foods although the books was infront of me! well..i'm back now and was contented because today went to eat bak kut teh and sushi king with sarah and jaime =) plus yesterday ate fried oyster..yummy!! but the sad part is i'm having running nose..cant enjoy the sushi much..the only thing i know is the tissue is always stuck on my nose whole day =(
that's all for now..i gotta take medicine then go sleep coz tomorrow will be joining my friends from kedah and china bring them round the tour in malaacca..hope they have a nice trip in Malacca da history place :p

Monday, April 28, 2008

~a le lu yah~

siOk hua
nOw facing
blessed me :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can AnyOne guEss whAt is This??

yeah!! this is Lenspia which is a machine to clean contact lens automatically in 3 minutes..miracle le..haha..yup..this is another 21st BIRTHDAY PRESENT from my lovely sister, Siok Teng :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

sUrpRise dAy fOr me I got an outing with my best buddy but I nearly cant turn up for the outing coz my mum dont allow me go out at night as today is a voting mum afraid there'll be chaos..but deep in my heart I really want to go because I've not seen Jaime for so long time..kinda miss her..i'm sure we'll at there sampatin and laugh like siao po..haha..

So I headed to Sarah's house and I was surprised by Sandra make-up which was taugh by our Miss Jaime Yeo:) hehee..what was really gave me a surprise is when Sarah handed me a plastic bag with a box inside and say that's my 21st BIRTHDAY PRESENT..oowwhh..I was touched by it..yeah!! I got my first birthday pressie in advance from Sarah, Sandra & Jaime..thanks ya & love u gurls :) then we went to Our Planet Cafe for our drinks..

This is the present that I received =)

This is Sarah's artwork for wrapping so many wrappers..then i at these suffering tear the wrappers while counting got how gOsh!! 21st birthday indeed got 21 hands lenguh ad.. last this is the final..

This is my lovely cloth for my pressie..luv it!!

am I look PRETTY on it? =)